Johto – The Students of the Faculty of Management and Business
Johto is the umbrella organization for the six main study fields in the Faculty of Management and Business at Tampere University: business studies, political science, administrative sciences, information and knowledge management, industrial engineering, and management & Leadership for Change (LFC) master’s degree program.
In Finnish universities, every study field has a student association. Student associations look after and try to influence academic and working life matters for students but also organize all kinds of events. Johto wants to promote cooperation between these student associations and create a sense of community inside the faculty. We want to help students to network across the borders of degree programs.
Together with the student associations Johto also organizes tutoring for international students.
More information about Johto you can get from our international organizer (e-mail international(at)
Also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and our MAB students’ Telegram information channel!
Are you an international student in the Faculty of Management and Business? Keep posted about events for international students and join our MAB Club Facebook group.
Are you a degree student in Leadership for Change MDP? This Facebook-group is for you.
- Finnish word for collegium
- The best and most approachable way to get to know education policies and decision-making of the university
- Organized by Johto ry.
- Regular get-togethers bringing the organizations of the Faculty of Management and Business and the student representatives of the faculty council together to discuss recent topics
- Open to all students of MAB faculty
- We go through the agendas for the next faculty council meetings and discuss other current issues concerning faculty students.
- You can influence faculty activities and change the world.
- There’s free food on site
- The dates and locations will be posted to our social media platforms and on MAB students’ information channel on Telegram.
The spring 2025 colleges will be held as follows:
17.2 Hervanta campus at Konetalo K1703 flip space at 6:00 PM
24.3. City center campus
21.4. Hervanta campus
Main student associations in cooperation with Johto:
Political science and international relations: Iltakoulu ry
Business studies: Boomi ry
Administrative sciences: Staabi ry
Information and knowledge management: Man@ger
Industrial engineering and management: Indecs
Leadership for Change (LFC) master’s degree program: Complex
Board members of Johto in 2025
Julia Seppälä
Vice-chair & academic affairs manager
Roosa Pajunen
Treasurer & public relations manager
Anni Hasu
Secretary & communications manager
Parawee Chuenjit
Communality manager
Lumi Indrelite
Internationality manager
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